obesity related
What consequences does obesity have for health?
Morbid obesity has a great significance for your health. It dramatically reduces life expectancy, and probably inhibits your daily physical activity, as well as your work, social and family relationships. Obesity leads the patients into a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break without medical or surgical help.
When should I see a doctor?
Calculate your body mass index (BMI). If your BMI is over 30, you should consult a doctor in order to rule out other diseases associated with your obesity. Furthermore, you should set the means of how to lose weight. If you have tried so before without succeeding, it would be beneficial to get skilled assistance in order to bring your obesity to a definite end. At Obesium we will assess the risks to your health, and we will also analyze your options to lose weight.
What causes my obesity?
In addition to a hormonal and genetic predisposition for body fat accumulation, obesity is a consequence of ingesting more calories than what you burn in physical exercise and daily activities. Your body stores excess calories in the form of fat. Exceptionally, your obesity may be secondary to another medical illness. Therefore, the main causes of obesity are: having a sedentary lifestyle, a hyper caloric diet and unhealthy habits.
How can the genetic constitution affect the development of obesity?
It is true that two people that eat the same food will not always gain the same weight. Genetics influences how your body stores fat after eating, and how it burns the calories during exercise. However, your metabolism is not determined by genetics only, it is also determined by the calorie intake, physical activity, stress, drugs and unhealthy habits like not sleeping enough. Each person’s metabolism is the conversion of food to energy.
How does smoking affect my obesity?
Tobacco affects the whole body, in fact, smokers have a higher risk of complications after an obesity surgery. Although it is true that quitting smoking is associated to gaining weight, quitting is more beneficial than continuing to smoke in the long term.
How many daily calories should a normal diet have?
The regular amount is 1.200-1.500 calories for women, and between 1.500-1.800 calories for men. Although the more physical activity you do, the more calories you will need.