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This procedure consists of placing a circular band around the gastric esophagus union, in order to diminish the passage of food.  In its inner surface the band has an inflatable pouch that communicates through a subcutaneous reservoir which inflates or deflates the pouch according to the patient’s needs.

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The gastric band is a purely restrictive technique that doesn’t need any resections and anastomosis of the digestive tract. It had a great boom in England and Australia but its limited long term results have made it obsolete.

Weight loss and illnesses resolution

  • Excess weight loss within 3, 4 and 5 years: 49, 55, and 57% of excess body weight loss respectively

  • Slow weight loss compared with other techniques. Depends on patient’s compliance

  • Limited resolution of comorbidity

  • Resolution of comorbidity is dependent on weight loss

  • This operation does not have any metabolic effect

  • Weight loss may not be permanent

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  • Severe obesity

  • Patient who cannot comply with a strict follow-up

  • Patients with diabetes or metabolic syndrome

  • Mild or moderate obesity (BMI 30-40)

  • Motivated patient who is willing to follow a strict diet all his life

  • Patient who requires the band and rejects any other type of surgery